Coerver Partner Club
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Coerver Partner Club is a website designed to provide easy access to Coerver training. The concept being, clubs that sign up to be partner clubs of Coerver Coaching, gain access to the site to get help with training and session planning techniques. Emily Galustian commissioned us to develop this tool as a result of our work on their website

Project Details:
As a result of our work on Coerver Coaching’s website, Emily briefed us to develop a site which would be used by Partner Clubs to enhance their training session. The idea being the local club would use the site to better plan sessions, create session skills and be able to refer to or show videos on field as part of the session briefing.
The layout of the site was key for this as the coaches would have little time during a session to open multiple pages. Therefore we developed a split screen system that would show the training diagram and the video. That way they could easily refer to the plan and so players what they would like them to achieve. This has been well received by both Coerver and the partner club across the globe.
We developed all graphics, edited videos and coded the full site in-house. The meant we had a seamless development and delivery for the client.

Testimonials – Emily Galustian
thefingerprint created a membership website for our football club partners to access our content to improve young footballers at their clubs. They used a membership plugin to secure access, create corporate accounts and sub account accesses, that allowed us to quickly distribute the product to many different customers. The website looks incredibly professional and feedback has been very positive on both the function and design.