League Managers & Coaches Association of Ireland
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Website design for League Managers & Coaches Association of Ireland. The UK has a LMA however Ireland didn’t have one, therefore we were approached to design a suitable site which will be expanded on over time to include profiles, managerial background data and club details.

Project Details
Syd Harman from Sports Innovations wanted to have a site that reflected the Manager & Coaches of Ireland. Therefore working with the LMCA we designed a site which showcases the benefits of being a member and help that can be provided.
This is an ongoing project as we build out the additional functionality. This will include profile uploads, edits and potentially forums.

Testimonial – Sydney Harman
The League Managers and Coaches Association in Ireland asked us to work with them to build a website on which we could share our content. We approached thefingerprint having used them on other projects. They have designed and built the site in the same efficient and timely manner that we have come to expect.