

Web Design

Vanz4Sale in Falkirk required a new website to allow for better stock management and search functions. We were asked to design a responsive site with a bespoke showroom layout to showcase the van details better. This was as a result of the old site not providing site visitors with filters.

Vanz4sale Showroom
Vanz4sale Van Details

Project Details

George Aitken and Alan Robinson ask us to design a site which provided better visual filters along with showroom details to prospective buyers. This meant a custom back end was built to allow for more details to be added per vehicle, type, engine, milage, Tax, MOT, additional features etc. 

Throughout the build we reviewed, tested and got buyer feedback to ensure the new website would showcase the vans and provide the best buying experience in falkirk.

Vanz4sale Showroom iPad
Vanz4sale Showroom iPad Details
Vanz4sale About

This is a unique website which will require a more modern browser to work!

Please upgrade today!